Miriam Thomas has served the Indo – Canadian Women’s Association for the last two decades, enabling and empowering new immigrants to integrate and adapt to the Canadian milieu.
As a 4 term President of the Association, she administered, governed and made collaborative decisions pertaining to the operation and sustainability of the Association. She has initiated several community-based projects and programs in the areas of human rights, fraudulent marriages, multicultural health issues, women’s issues, and family violence to name a few. She has collaborated with several NGOs in building partnerships in project/program development.
A social worker by training, she worked for 30 years as a medical social worker at the University of Alberta, on its Neuroscience program Her work pertained to helping patients with traumatic head and spinal cord injuries live with the aftermath of their conditions. She is retired and is presently serving on the board of the Canadians for a Civil Society as a board member.