Minni Sharma holds a diploma in IT Business Analysis from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), and is currently working towards her degree in Technology Management. She is 23 years old, can speak 5 languages, and is a highly creative individual who expresses herself through her skills in photography, writing, and graphic design. She first got involved in CCS through the Building Empathy Conquering Apathy symposium in 2017 which NAIT was helping sponsor. Being an audience member for the first day of the emotionally moving event, it was eye-opening for her to see the struggles and prejudice people who identify as LGBTQ face.
After being exposed to hearing all the hardships the speakers had to deal with, she realized that she needs to do better in educating herself and those around her about these types of major issues that impact humans. As a result, she has found CCS to be a platform which enables her to become an ally to those who are vulnerable and overall, a better global citizen.