The following documents provide information about how you can support CCS’s mission of creating human rights as a way of life.

Created by Jim Gurnett, former board member and coordinator of Daughters Day.
Funded by the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund of the Government of Alberta and published by the Citizens for a Civil Society, Together, creating a better world is the result of 15 conversations with women who met in late 2013 and early 2014 to discuss gender discrimination and the ways in which communities can facilitate change.
This poster represents Canadian values, Canada’s values. It includes information about Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and The Canadian Bill of Rights.
Image Credit: Dennis Jarvis on Flickr.
Letters and Publications

As a mark of appreciation, CCS received letters of acknowledgement from friends and supporters at Parliament Hill. View Letters.
This article provides insight on the inspiration behind the NorQuest’s Civil Society Speaker Series. It features our founder, Gurcharan Singh Bhatia. View publication.