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Building empathy conquering apathy symposium 2017


The 2017 BECA symposium took place from May 17 to May 18. This event was initiated by Judy Piercey, our board member, from 2016 to 2017. We partnered with MacEwan University, NAIT and Indo-Canadian Women’s Association to raise awareness about human rights violations.

This symposium occurred on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. It’s the second event in our series that aims to prevent and raise awareness of human rights violations, such as gender-based violence, discrimination, harassment, and bullying at the intersections of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, and poverty.

Our Goals

  1. Facilitate dialogue, networking and understanding of human rights violations, such as gender-based violence, discrimination, bullying, harassment, and the intersections between gender identity, sexual orientation, race and poverty.
  2. Encourage innovation and collaboration by facilitating the flow of information between NGOs, decision-makers, and volunteers.
  3. Build community capacity to respond to and prevent human rights violations.
  4. Encourage public participation in a growing dialogue about human rights violations such as gender-based violence, discrimination, bullying, and harassment.
  5. Build momentum for deeper collaboration over the next two years.